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Poetry: the Smiling Goddess of Logos
"nothing worth learning can be taught..." O. Wilde
Poetry Copyrighted by monk 2001
From monks' latest book of collected poets... "Erotic Mistresses...the Light of Dawn" Permission to copy is granted not for profit, with agreement to publish this statement of authorship and copyright ownership with the poetry. 4-7-01 by wm. mason to be sung by Sting silence seeking this forest of confusion plays games gone to borders of desolation emptied of illusions staring into the vastness of this moments power unlearned lessons when 2 are joining surprise hearts with reasons secluded within each lovers dreams awaiting perfection to contend nothing speaks so loudly as tears burning my lovers wings or blinds my passions direction winds fated to betray such union windows seen sideways inviting me to spend my serenity pastel sunsets of desires regrets shadows convincing my soul to be free we are flowing into our own heaven scents deliver joy sweetness kindness favour and delight you join me with hidden threads of light saving nothing we cross into communion celebrating who we are who we are who we are..... 8-1-00 each day lives only once who would seek the heart can find only nothing can be lost or found yet memory will always be full no less today each moment allows choices gratitude is softly releasing illusion when or where why is meaningless what do I want is the only question to all answers is my time now if not when 8-2-00 breezes caressing lovers in sunset sands on fire each simply being alive with sweetness self loves awareness imbuing all things with essences perfuming each breath lifes wine intoxicating the fires each sunrise reveals ************ will day end night will smiles end loneliness every heart listens learning to hear ah this is the essence *************** should life imitate love will hearts fly away? can one so infatuated find the source gods goddesses who dance watching our life in envy we wear our selves out and release despair ***************** begin the dance without within who rides the storm enjoys the freshest air where can love be found no where to seek it is found as we breathe ***************** quiet sitting alone the silence full allows the empty me to be heard solitude beckons how is it you remain over there what colours will arise from the flood we create will you dance kundalini glows everywhere ... monk * poem 3-10-97 by Wm. Mason your dreams lay upon this altar no love has ever touched turning toward the light shadows fall everywhere and kisses like autumn leaves have their voices no one can believe how many times has joy sprung forth the raptured green penetrating everything every sense set afire every yearning heart betrayed by summers smile always one more chance always one more change we linger in lust for sweet fullness to explode our being upon this altar no love has ever touched beauty being whispered shines upon these hearts laughing unconcealed in naked shimmering sweetness not changed not blamed not known not shown not appealing within without your dreams lay upon this altar no love has ever touched your sacrifice alone fills the sweet silence of everything "once revealed" 2-15-98 by Wm. Mason once revealed once stolen once thought once concealed not long or short not measurable or known whose voice unspoken can rend all seals some godliness must gently laugh and children scatter the lonely illusion once and more once and more it is enough more than enough and more than enough and more the generous gratitude walking alone what generous gratitude is enough and more without advice or mentor within the variance remains what more enough and more this gratitude reveals the journey that is enough and more * * poem 1 10-7-97 by Wm. Mason full of desire your eyes your heart search the cathedral of this body your hands float in darkness to linger on the edge of everything dreamless night unspoken truth will the endless drip dissolve the mountain will the ocean of your desire ever find enough would enough be contentment will death be birth will knowing replace love can separation remain when desire reveals the heart what soul pierced will not cry where this creature desire remains the breath dreaming mates us all to laughter ringing to the darkness singing chorus of beauty all we can be death pain suffering orgasm we reach where we have always been * |
Click here to read more poems by Karisa Vernal Resonance 4/27/00 KLK You rumbled deep inside my chest; an echo of thunder over the tops of trees which, stand defiantly naked in the faint light. On the wind - that is but the beating wings of silent geese - your perfume comes: rain washed pine, loamy earth blooming willow. Mouse eared leaves - spring green and new - dot the spindly armed branches of the lilac. Your promise held tightly clenched in a fist of buds. I hear you in the chickadees antiphonal call, the laugh of the loon rippling across the lake, and the choral songs of the wood frogs who knew you first. poem 2-10-7-97 by Wm. Mason written for & to be sung by Sarah McLachlan the secret fire of your fear leaves no prisoners only mystery here the flames leap high the shadows dance furious faces masking your desire who can stand before your secret fire is burned to the core who would even dream to hold the knife of your desire laughter drills the teeth of night the shadows dance before your eyes the depth of love turned wrong side out the secret fire of your desire slain in your raptured brain this sweet darkness that cuts to see the blood of your life spilled upon the secret of your desire no longer alone abandoned in the silent stillness of your secret fire take me away take me away let me ride watch me hide let me feel & burn in the secret fire of your desire of your desire of your desire take me in your desire I am your desire your desire your desire the secret fire of your desire * ********** Danyale Williams 2000 danyale_wms@yahoo.com UNTITLED I visited yesterday as I will visit today and tomorrow Events of our rendezvous playing redundantly Inside my head, picking at every strand of matter Leaving me less sane To control the day before I remember what I can’t let go enslaves Me to mistakes, bad decisions I instructed and played out Regrets adore misery and misery loves company Embracing poor rags mumbling on street corners Clinging to bars slamming that pierce renewed souls Dwelling in underground homes And resting upon emotions of those visiting Damning the clock that ticks counterclockwise With wishful thinking of its early demise To stand still and turn its hands back Hoping to manipulate the pages of life And leaving the present and future pages bare Forward footprints quickly vanish and halt in time Turning backwards and existence lost in the past. George Whillock Dec. 9, 2001 For Dana My Words of Love My words of love wither and die, in the stony basement of your cold, hard mind. Sent forth in earnest hopeful they fly, until they end crashing into walls strong and high. Downward they flutter silent to lie, no longer hopeful they wither and die. ********* Too Late Surrounded by silence. My world has grown bleak. Pain fades to numbness. Hope grows distant, and weak. I still hear your footsteps, though softer today. My stairs need your climbing. Green chair misses your weight. Where are you this morning? Nowhere; it seems. If not smiling forlornly at my silly dreams. Serene and insightful, but feeling all things. Dana Selman Marston My love still remains. Eternity beckons. You make your life's plan, and go forward boldly. Holding Erica's hand. Words have betrayed me, and actions negate the love I am speaking, alas; too late. by George Whillock Dec. 6, 2001 Poetry Copyrighted by Wm. A. Mason 1997-2001 From Wm.'s Book Of Poetry... "Fires Of The Heart, Water For The Soul" Permission to copy is granted not for profit, with agreement to publish this statement of authorship and copyright ownership with the poetry. Enjoy! 10-26-99 be not blind for in the night wind there is light in the death there is nothing new rise and see there is more than this live eternity now heaven awaits no one smile dance cry hug love it is all there it is here we were not born to end but to begin ever to begin small tho we may be the night fills our breasts inviting laughter spills enfolding each one join sing & set free that which your body cannot contain be not blind for in the night wind there is light & in the death there is nothing new "moment" 2-1-99 Wm. Mason revealing the face this place where the heart emerges without guile lover smiling brushed by sun the lips scented invoke worship each kiss an ocean of time conspiring creating within desire to know to be known revealing the face divine smiling mirrored in wind rippled water * |